Noh Research Group

Group News

May 10, 2024: Abigail Idiculla (B.S. Civil Eng, with Honors in Chem. Eng) and Emma Rosko (B.S. Chem. Eng) have graduated! Congratulations! Abby is headed to Yale to start her Ph.D. in the fall, and Emma will be working at Kraft Heinz.

April 15, 2024: Abigail Idiculla received an honorable mention for the NSF GRFP

About us

The Noh research group is interested in sustainable chemistry and environmental remediation. We develop heterogeneous catalysts for atom-efficient chemical transformations of modern, sustainable feedstocks (biomass-derived compounds, plastics, etc.).

We take inspiration from homogeneous catalysts and molecular complexes to synthesize solid materials with well-defined active sites. We aim to understand the kinetics and mechanisms of reactions, specifically focusing on physical and chemical properties of catalysts underlying observed reactivity and selectivity.

We value people. We value safety. We value diversity.

"We understand that scientific excellence depends on creativity, that creativity emerges from diversity, and that the advantages of diversity are realized through inclusion." ... "Diversity without inclusion is an empty gesture. Inclusion is a feeling of belonging, and so creating an empowering, embracing, egalitarian environment starts with the heart." David Asai, Nature (2019) 565, 537.

proven catalysis Noh-how